Hello everybody! Today I would like to share a special announcement with you. I now have a wine and it is named 7 Stelle Wines! We are very excited to release a Cabernet Sauvignon and a Sauvignon Blanc for you to try. Not only are they great to sip, but perfect to pair with your favorite homemade recipes!
The name 7 Stelle has many connections to me and my family roots. You can learn more about the story of my new wine on the 7 Stelle Wines website.

I want to thank everyone that enjoys my cooking videos. It is because of your support that allowed me and my family to create something special. We are hopeful that if you try my wine that you will enjoy them as much as I do. Salute! Cin Cin! – Pasquale Sciarappa
We have a few options if you are considering trying my wines. Single bottles are $28 each, with a shipping rate of $20 plus tax. However, if you add a 2nd or 3rd bottle you’ll reduce the shipping cost to $10. 4 or more bottles have a flat shipping rate of $5. You can save 10% on your order and receive $5 shipping if you decide to try our Subscribe and Save Wine Club. If you’re indecisive on which bottles you’d like to try, we created several bundles. Such as a red and white, or a 3 bottle red or a 3 bottle white bundle. Visit the site by clicking here.