Tomato Soup Recipe

Hello everybody! Today I have a delicious tomato soup recipe to share with you all. Tomato soup is full of flavor and will warm you right up as those fall days start to get cooler. This dish is super easy to make and is great for leftovers. Pair it with a side of mozzarella in carrozza to keep you full longer. Watch the how to video below or keep reading for the written recipe.


  • 10 plum tomatoes, boiled and skin peeled
  • 5 potatoes
  • 1 yellow onion, diced
  • 2 cloves of garlic, halved
  • 4 cups of chicken stock
  • 3 Tbsp olive oil, extra virgin
  • 1 hot pepper, optional
  • handful of fresh basil leaves
  • salt, to taste
  • pecorino cheese, freshly grated (optional)

Add the garlic, onion and oil to a deep pot and fry over a medium/high flame. While this is frying, peel cut the potatoes into smaller pieces. Add the potatoes into the pot and stir.

Next, cut a hot pepper into 3 pieces and add into the pot. This is optional to add a spicy kick to the soup.

While the ingredients are cooking in the pot, put your boiled and peeled tomatoes in a bowl and squeeze them with your hands to roughly break them apart. Add the tomatoes to the pot and stir. Lower the flame to low/medium and bring to a boil.

Once boiling, let cook for 5 minutes and then add the chicken stock.

After adding the chicken stock, let cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

At this point, taste your soup and add salt if necessary. Add the basil, stir, cook for 5 more minutes and then remove from the flame.

Let cool down for a bit and then transfer to a blender or use an immersion blender to blend all of your ingredients to make your soup. If the soup is cold, pour it back into the pot and warm it up on the stove.

Transfer to serving bowls and enjoy! Cin cin!

You can also sprinkle some freshly grated pecorino cheese on top. A great side to this dish would be mozzarella in carrozza! I like to thicken my soup with potatoes instead of using cream/heavy cream, but feel feel to use heavy cream if you prefer.

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