Seafood Shish Kabob Recipe

Today I will like to share with you my Seafood Shish Kabob recipe. This recipe is very easy to make and it is highly recommended for a summer BBQ. You can also watch my video below and follow my seafood shish kabob recipe step by step.


  • Shrimp
  • Scallops
  • Onions
  • Red Pepper
  • Zucchini
  • Black Pepper
  • Lemon
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Hot Pepper
  • Salt

The first thing that needs to be done is to set the BBQ to 500 degrees. While the BBQ is warming up, you can start preparing the shrimp, scallops, vegetables and the marinade sauce.

Start by chopping up the vegetables into squared pieces that can be easily skewered, see image. Mix all of the vegetables into one big bowl and put about 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of crushed dry red pepper into the bowl; mix it up. The same is done with the shrimp and scallops, add a half teaspoon of each instead, and mix.

To make the seafood marinade sauce, add about 2oz of extra virgin olive oil, half lemon juice, and a half teaspoon of black pepper. Now it’s time to put the shrimp, scallops and vegetables onto the skewers. You can do this in any order you please. Once on the skewer, evenly add the marinade sauce.

Since the shrimp and scallops cook a lot quicker than the vegetables, you can separate them on different skewers. If you don’t mind your vegetables slightly under cooked, you can do it my way; which is the way I like.

Put the skewers on the BBQ and check occasionally. I cooked mine for about 10 minutes, turning them over at the 5 minute mark. Be careful when taking the skewers off the BBQ, they’ll be really hot.

When they are done, take off the BBQ and enjoy your delicious Seafood Shish Kabob! Salute and cin cin!

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